Title: Sad Birds, Sad city
. Media: Acrylic and pastels on Arches paper Dimensions: 14 × 16 in. Year: 2021

Title: Sad Birds, Sad city
. Media: Acrylic and pastels on Arches paper Dimensions: 14 × 16 in. Year: 2021

This particular work depicts a small part of the expansive concrete jungle called “Barrios” where nearly 80% of population from Caracas, Venezuela lived as a result of the authoritarian and corrupt dictatorship that makes up the government of Venezuela for 20 years, the living conditions are declining rapidly in these slums. The population is struggling with violent crime, government oppression, inflation, malnutrition and much more. There are many problems and conflicts in the country, and many hopes of improvement by all. The people continue to fight for survival. My heart has always been with the people, even though I have been out of the country for long time, I try to reflect in this piece the barrios of Caracas with its stairs of darkness but with the hope that someday the colorful lines can reach the clear blue sky and the birds could get his vibrant colors again.